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What are skin infections?

The epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, typically resists the invasion of fungal attacks on the skin. But, when it is injured or damaged, these germs can enter the skin and start to develop & multiply which leads to skin infections.

The epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, typically resists the invasion of fungal attacks on the skin. But, when it is injured or damaged, these germs can enter the skin and start to develop & multiply which leads to skin infections.

What are the symptoms of a skin infection?

Common symptoms of skin infection include:

  • Raised red/white bumps, warts, or other skin growths
  • Painful and itchy rash
  • Scaly or rough skin
  • Peeling of skin
  • Ulcers
  • Open sores or lesions

Common symptoms of skin infection include:

  • Raised red/white bumps, warts, or other skin growths
  • Painful and itchy rash
  • Scaly or rough skin
  • Peeling of skin
  • Ulcers
  • Open sores or lesions
  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Discoloured patches of skin, loss of skin pigment
  • Flushed skin
What are the common causes of skin infections?

Conventional causes of skin infections include:

  • Fungus, viruses, parasites, or microorganisms living on the skin
  • Bacteria that is trapped in skin pores and hair follicles
  • Weakened immune system
  • Contact with anot

Conventional causes of skin infections include:

  • Fungus, viruses, parasites, or microorganisms living on the skin
  • Bacteria that is trapped in skin pores and hair follicles
  • Weakened immune system
  • Contact with another human/animal who is already infected
  • Contact with personal items of infected person
What are the common types of skin infections?

Four main types of skin infections are:

  • Fungal skin infections: most likely to develop in damp areas of the body, fungal infections can be contagious or life threatening if not treated in time.
Example – ringworm, athlete's

Four main types of skin infections are:

  • Fungal skin infections: most likely to develop in damp areas of the body, fungal infections can be contagious or life threatening if not treated in time.

Example – ringworm, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, nail fungus, oral thrush, jock itch, eczema, etc.

  • Bacterial skin infection: these often begin as small red bumps and gradually increase in intensity.

Example – cellulitis, impetigo, boils, etc.

  • Viral skin infections: caused by viruses, these infections range from mild to severe.

Example – shingles (herpes zoster), chickenpox, warts, measles, etc.

  • Parasitic skin infection: caused by parasites, this infection can spread beyond the skin, which can be uncomfortable.

Example – lice, bedbugs, scabies, etc.

What is ringworm?

Also known as dermatophytosis or tinea, ringworm is an infection of the skin. Caused by a fungus, ringworm is initially present with red patches on areas like scalp, beard, groin, feet, etc., before spreading to other parts of the body. If left unattended, rin

Also known as dermatophytosis or tinea, ringworm is an infection of the skin. Caused by a fungus, ringworm is initially present with red patches on areas like scalp, beard, groin, feet, etc., before spreading to other parts of the body. If left unattended, ringworms can get difficult to cure.

What are the symptoms of ringworm?

Few common symptoms of ringworm are:

  • Patches with defined and raised edges that may be red
  • Raised patches that are itchy and scaly
  • Ring shaped patches that develop blisters or begin to ooze
  • In case ringworm has

Few common symptoms of ringworm are:

  • Patches with defined and raised edges that may be red
  • Raised patches that are itchy and scaly
  • Ring shaped patches that develop blisters or begin to ooze
  • In case ringworm has infected your nails, they may become thicker, discoloured, and may begin to crack
  • Yellow crust, matter hair, dry scaling and hair loss, in cases of scalp ringworms
  • In jock itch, scaly red-brown patch on the groin, along with itching and burning sensation
  • In the case of athlete’s foot/ foot ringworm, itching, stinging and burning occurs in between the toes, soles of feet and appearance of blisters
What are the common types of ringworm?

Depending on the affected body part, ringworms are classified into:

  • Ringworm on the scalp (Tinea capitis); It often starts as small sores that develop into itchy, scaly, bald patches.
  • Ringworm on the body (Tinea corporis)<

Depending on the affected body part, ringworms are classified into:

  • Ringworm on the scalp (Tinea capitis); It often starts as small sores that develop into itchy, scaly, bald patches.
  • Ringworm on the body (Tinea corporis); it often appears as patches all over the body with typical round ‘ring’ shape.
  • Jock itch (Tinea cruris); it refers to the ringworm of the skin around the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks; it is most common in men and adolescent boys.
  • Athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis); it refers to the ringworm of the foot; occurs due to excessive sweating in skin folds between the toes.
What are the common causes of ringworm?

The main causes of a skin infection are fungi. Infectious agents are present everywhere in our environment, including on the human body. They thrive in warm, moist areas, such as skin folds. You can get a skin infection by sharing contaminated towels, clothing

The main causes of a skin infection are fungi. Infectious agents are present everywhere in our environment, including on the human body. They thrive in warm, moist areas, such as skin folds. You can get a skin infection by sharing contaminated towels, clothing, and sports equipment, and by direct contact with an infected person.

Is ringworm contagious?

Yes, ringworm can spread directly from an infected person/animal to another or sharing the personal items of the infected person.

Yes, ringworm can spread directly from an infected person/animal to another or sharing the personal items of the infected person.

Which is the best way to prevent ringworm?

Few ways to prevent ringworm are:

  • Do not share clothes, towels, razors, etc.
  • Keep your hands clean.
  • Wear slippers or sandals in public areas at all times.
  • Stay clean and dry, especially after any physical workou

Few ways to prevent ringworm are:

  • Do not share clothes, towels, razors, etc.
  • Keep your hands clean.
  • Wear slippers or sandals in public areas at all times.
  • Stay clean and dry, especially after any physical workout.
  • Wear loose fitting cotton clothes.
  • Change your inner clothes at least once every day.
  • Be on the lookout for any abnormality on your pet’s skin. Take him/her for regular check-ups.
Which is the best way to cure ringworm?

Ringworm infection is generally treated with over-the-counter topical medication like antifungal creams.

Ringworm infection is generally treated with over-the-counter topical medication like antifungal creams.

How much time does it take for ringworm to dry up?

Topical medications may take about two to four weeks to clear the ringworm.

Topical medications may take about two to four weeks to clear the ringworm.

What is Itching?

Itching is the irritating and uncontrollable sensation which makes a person to scratch to relieve the feeling.

Itching is the irritating and uncontrollable sensation which makes a person to scratch to relieve the feeling.

Are itches dependent on weather/temperature?

Sensitive skin is more prone to itching caused by weather changes. Dry air in winters and exposure to UV radiation can cause sensitive skin to dry out and itch faster. In summers, the sweat turns skin prone to infections and the same happens in monsoons, where

Sensitive skin is more prone to itching caused by weather changes. Dry air in winters and exposure to UV radiation can cause sensitive skin to dry out and itch faster. In summers, the sweat turns skin prone to infections and the same happens in monsoons, where the humid weather serves as a medium for fungal growth, resulting in skin infections.

What is Ring-Out?

Ring-Out is a topical cream with anti-fungal (acts against fungal infection) properties. It is used for skin conditions by inhibiting the growth of fungi.

Ring-Out is a topical cream with anti-fungal (acts against fungal infection) properties. It is used for skin conditions by inhibiting the growth of fungi.

What are the common areas where Ring-Out cream works?

Ring-Out cream treats, controls, improves, and prevents fungal infections developed in the groin, armpit, skin folds, toes, penis; vulval & vaginal fungal infections; and dryness; redness, itching, and swelling of skin and scalp; ringworms, jock itch &

Ring-Out cream treats, controls, improves, and prevents fungal infections developed in the groin, armpit, skin folds, toes, penis; vulval & vaginal fungal infections; and dryness; redness, itching, and swelling of skin and scalp; ringworms, jock itch & athlete’s foot, etc.

What are the possible side effects of the Ring-Out cream?

Possible side effects that may occur from using Ring-Out cream are itchy rash, irritation, blisters, peeling or flaking of skin, pain or a burning or stinging sensation, etc. Consult your doctor if you observe any of these signs and symptoms, especially if the

Possible side effects that may occur from using Ring-Out cream are itchy rash, irritation, blisters, peeling or flaking of skin, pain or a burning or stinging sensation, etc. Consult your doctor if you observe any of these signs and symptoms, especially if they do not go away. These side effects are possible, but do not always occur.

How to apply Ring-Out cream?

Ring-Out cream should preferably be applied on the affected skin area two to three times a day depending on the severity.

Ring-Out cream should preferably be applied on the affected skin area two to three times a day depending on the severity.

Is it safe to use Ring-Out cream internally?

No, Ring-Out cream is to be used topically only.

No, Ring-Out cream is to be used topically only.

Who should you not use the Ring-Out cream?

Hypersensitivity to Ring-Out cream is a contraindication. Ring-Out cream should not be taken if you have diabetes, first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, renal impairment or thin and fragile skin.

Hypersensitivity to Ring-Out cream is a contraindication. Ring-Out cream should not be taken if you have diabetes, first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, renal impairment or thin and fragile skin.

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